About Me

I am a passionate Robotics Engineer from the University of British Columbia that has lead multiple projects from Autonomous Land Vehicles, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Drones and distributed communication systems.

I grew up in a family business related to safety engineering consulting, moving back and forth between Taiwan and Canada, I have lots of experience working with intercultural and interdisciplinary teams. This has lead me to pursue experiences in leading and starting my own teams in school including UBC Snowbots, UBC Subbots.

My take towards management has always to be immersive and hands-on with the projects. This helps me connect with my team and better allocate resources to get the best out of projects. In order to do so I have built breadth in my knowledge for designing robotics systems from hardware to software aspects. From my degree I have built depth in robotic kinematics/control, control systems, RF engineering, electrical sensors, signal and system processing…etc.

My secondary passion aside from Robotics is in management and education. My focus for building new projects and design teams has always been to accommodate projects for other passionate engineers. With that, a lot of research and refinement has gone into the structure and management of these teams.

My career end goal is to have my own business providing robotics services that improve people’s lives. I am open to contact for everything and anything robotics related.

I also love cooking, coffee, reading and photography.